Fraud Repression through EDucation2 (2022-IT-FRED2)
FRED2 will host workshops to foster discussion and knowledge-sharing among participants from academia, law enforcement, and AFCOS.
- Kick-off meeting - 31 May 2024 - Rome AFCOS -
The day's schedule
- Speakers:
Raffaele Fitto
Antonella Polimeni
Fabrizio D'Ascenzo
Stefano Screpanti
Title: Institutional greeting
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video
- Speaker: Andrea Rocchi
Title: Impresapiens x Fraud Repression through EDucation2
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video
- Speaker: Ugo Liberatore
Title: The Impact of the NRRP and Fraud Prevention
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video
- Speaker: Vanni Resta
Title: The importance of ‘FRED2’
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video
- Speaker: Nick Heilleger
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video
- Speaker: Vanni Resta
Title: Perspectives of the 'FRED2' project
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video
- Speaker: Cruciano Cruciani
Title: The role of the Anti-Fraud Coordination Services of the EU countries and the Italian AFCOS in the "FRED2" project
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video
- Speaker: Various speakers for the open floor discussion
Title: The protection of the EU's financial interests and the role of the Anti-Fraud Coordination Services (AFCOS), also with reference to communication and training activities
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video
- Speakers:
- 1st Workshop - Capacity building, network program guidelines and mapping of case studies and knowledge on the protection of the EU's financial interests and the fight against fraud - 22-24 November 2023 - Sapienza University of Rome
The day's schedule
Speaker: Andrea Rocchi
Title: Introduction to project and the micro-territorial systems concept
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Andrea Bordoni
Title: Annual reports on the protection of the EU's financial interests ("PIF" Report) and Commission Anti-Fraud Strategy (CAFS): enhanced action to protect the EU budget
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Alessandro Di Taranto
Title: EPPO Annual Report: the role of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) to improve the level of protection of the financial interests of the European Union (EU)
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Cruciano Cruciani
Title: Role of the Italian Anti-fraud coordination service and, in particular, of the Guardia di Finanza Anti-Fraud Unit as Technical Secretariat of IT-AFCOS: National Anti-fraud Strategy (NAFS)
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Giorgio Centurelli
Title: Procedures and IT tools for proper financial management and monitoring of the implementation of NRPP interventions and reforms
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Francesco Bellini
Title: Emerging Technologies for mapping Risk Stakeholders (using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and blockchain applications)
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Luisa Regimenti
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Ugo Liberatore
Title: General anti-fraud strategy for the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) and guidelines for the control and reporting measures: Member States' control systems to prevent, detect and correct fraud under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF)
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Nicolas De Sadeleer
Title: University training offer dedicated to the professionals in the field of European Funds. The hypothesis of an organisational model of "specialist training" that could also be used by the universities of Greece, Finland and Belgium. Investigatory powers and procedural safeguards: Improving legislative framework through a comparison with other national and EU authorities
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Dimosthenis Avarkiotis
Title: Protection of the EU's financial interests: national law on cooperation with OLAF during On - The-Spot Checks (OTSC) and EPPO. State of play of national antifraud strategies (NAFS) in Greece, Finland and Belgium AFCOS competences
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Toni Tiala
Title: Protection of the EU's financial interests: national law on cooperation with OLAF during On - The-Spot Checks (OTSC) and EPPO. State of play of national antifraud strategies (NAFS) in Greece, Finland and Belgium AFCOS competences
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Christian Bourlet
Title: Protection of the EU's financial interests: national law on cooperation with OLAF during On - The-Spot Checks (OTSC) and EPPO. State of play of national antifraud strategies (NAFS) in Greece, Finland and Belgium AFCOS competences
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Alessio Tola
Title: University training offer dedicated to professionals in the European Funds sector. The hypothesis of an organizational model of "specialist training" that could also be used by other Italian universities
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Antonio Caputo
Title: University training offer dedicated to professionals in the European Funds sector. The hypothesis of an organizational model of "specialist training" that could also be used by other Italian universities
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Maria Felice Arezzo
Title: Contributions for the development of the European Anti-Fraud Observatory: a statistical perspective
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Andrea Pecorari
Title: Guardia di Finanza: Italian economic and financial police force in the fight against EU fraud
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Serena Borgna
Title: Direct Funds: the management of the European Union budget and the implementation of the financial framework (funding in the MFF 2021-2027, including Horizon Europe, and Next Generation EU)
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Agnese Gnessi
Title: Indirect Funds: case studies and best practices in micro territorial systems. Types of fraud and use of the “Irregularities Management System - IMS”
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Roberta Lacava
Title: Indirect Funds: case studies and best practices in micro territorial systems. Types of fraud and use of the “Irregularities Management System - IMS”
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Luca Forteleoni
Title: Regulatory and monitoring activities in the areas of anti-corruption, transparency, public employees’ integrity, whistleblowing and public procurement with the aim to prevent corruption in the public sector and avert the waste of public resources
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Valerio Vallefuoco
Title: Overcoming gaps in knowledge and practice of anti-corruption and anti-fraud by building on international and EU AML best practices
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Ugo Pietropaoli
Title: Overcoming gaps in knowledge and practice of anti-corruption and anti-fraud by building on international and EU AML best practices
1) Knowledge vs. information: Knowledge is a high-value form of information that is ready to apply to decisions and actions, [and that] knowledge derives from information as information derives from data. The map allows to extract knowledge with a bottom up approach using the actors of the territorial microsystems as the source of knowledge.
2) Drafting the knowledge map of pilot research study on preventing fraud in micro territorial systems.
3) Sharing of ideas for the implementation of the European Anti- Fraud Observatory.
4) Facilitated discussion among workshop participants focusing on key questions. What are the benefits of knowledge mapping in the fight against fraud (how to build a ‘knowledge map’; best practices and examples of finding knowledge using a ‘knowledge map’)
- 2nd Workshop - Mapping knowledge in the fight against fraud - 19-20 February 2024 - Venice
The day's schedule
Rosanna CONTE, Member of the European Parliament
Fabrizio D’ASCENZO, Extraordinary Commissioner of the Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work (INAIL)
Riccardo RAPANOTTI, Division General of the Guardia di Finanza, Veneto Regional Commander
Alberto PASTORE, Deputy Rector for Placement, Fundraising, Entrepreneurship and Start-up, Director of the Department of Management, Sapienza University of Rome
Luca ZAIA, President of Veneto Region (Intervention by reading of letter)
Title: Institutional greetings
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Andrea Rocchi
Title: Introduction to the project
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Cruciano Cruciani
Title: FRED2 - Fraud Repression through Education 2. Capacity Building and Networking Program Guidelines. Presentation of the conclusions of the 1st workshop and state of play of the work in progress
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Cruciano Cruciani
Title: Follow-up of ‘AFCOS 2022 annual reports’ and development of National Anti-Fraud Strategy
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Vanni Resta
Title: The FRED2 Mixed methodological training and learning path
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Maria Felice Arezzo
Title: Contributions for the development of “European Anti-Fraud Observatory” on Monitoring the correct and efficient use of European Funds in micro territorial systems: presentation of the ‘Task Force’ and sharing of documents needed for data analysis
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Bernardino Quattrociocchi
Title: Contributions for the development of the “European Anti-Fraud Observatory” on Monitoring the correct and efficient use of European Funds in micro territorial systems
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Francesca Iandolo
Title: Performance measurement related to EU projects
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Dimosthenis Avarkiotis
Title: A statistical approach to the Greek AFCOS CMS (Compliance management system).
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Konstantinos Pavlikianis
Title: A statistical approach to the Greek AFCOS CMS (Compliance management system).
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Giorgio Centurelli
Title: The implementation of NRRP project in particular sectors
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Emma Rizzato
Title: Contributions for the development of the European Anti-Fraud Observatory: a statistical perspective
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Ugo Liberatore
Title: Use of integrated and cooperative IT tools capable of combining heterogeneous data from different information systems such as the data warehouse and data mart activated within the ReGiS unitary system and the Arachne IT System anti-fraud information system provided by the European Commission
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Fabio Dametto
Title: The activity of the “Guardia di Finanza” in the fight against fraud affecting the financial interests of the EU: mapping case studies (best/worst practices of European funds management) in micro-territorial systems
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeakers: Andrea Pecorari
Title: Guardia di Finanza: Italian economic and financial police force in the fight against EU fraud and the ‘checklist’ for verifying milestones/targets in the management of NRRP measures
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Marco Fanti
Title: Shared management of EU funding: case studies and good practices in territorial microsystems. The Irregularity Management System (IMS), a dedicated electronic system developed to report irregularities and fraud
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Eduard Ivanov
Title: Anti-corruption compliance in the business sector in the protection of European funds
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Walter Negrini
Title: Italian Anti-money laundering system and the role of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU): reports of suspicious transactions relating to the implementation of projects co-financed with European funds and with NRRP resources
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Francesco Lo Gerfo
Title: Frauds in the common agricultural policy sector
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video- Speaker: Antonio Caputo
Title: University training offer dedicated to professionals in the field of European Funds: hypothesis of organisational model of 'specialised training' aimed at permanent dialogue and joint communication initiatives on anti-fraud issues
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video
- 3rd Workshop - Next generation EU: its financial sources and fraud risks in its implementation - 15 March 2024 - Online
The day's schedule
- Speakers:
Alberto Pastore
Andrea Rocchi
Title: Institutional greetings
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video
Speaker: Francesca Iandolo
Title: Introduction to the project
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Francesco Bellini
Title: Next Generation EU overview: its development and its financial sources
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Giorgio Centurelli
Title: Reporting on NEXT EU projects
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Cruciano Cruciani
Title: Main fraud risk indicators in the Italian’s NRRP (National Recovery and Resilience Plan)
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Vanni Resta
Title: Focus on NRRP and its comparison with other European Recovery Plans
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Maria Felice Arezzo
Title: Next Generation EU: a statistical perspective
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video
- Speakers:
- 4th Workshop - Data driven approach and its use in contrasting the european funds fraud phenomenon - 27 June 2024 - Online
Alberto Pastore, Director of the Master in Euro-planning for PPAAs and OOIIs, Director of the Department of Management of Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Mario Calabrese, Director of the research center Impresapiens, Sapienza University of Rome
Cruciano Cruciani, Colonel of Guardia di Finanza, Coordinator of the Technical Secretariat, Italian AFCOS
Antonio Tuccillo, President of the Fondazione Nazionale Commercialisti Ricerca
Title: Institutional greetings
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Francesca Iandolo
Title: Indicators of fraud - A preliminary taxonomy
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Domenico Vitale
Title: Detecting frauds through statistics and machine learning: an overview of supervised and unsupervised algorithms
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Silvio Gerli
Title: From unstructured data to structured data: how artificial intelligence can help to define reliable risk indicators
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Marco Riani
Title: Robust correspondence analysis of the detection of distortions in international trade
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Raffaella Coppier
Title: An overview of the economic approach to deviant (non-compliant) behaviour in economics
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Luisa Scaccia
Title: The potential of Benford's law to derive disaggregated tax evasion indices for Italy
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Ivan Pastor Sanz
Title: Innovative methods for predicting frauds
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Oscar Lopez de Foronda
Title: The efficient use of NextGeneration EU Funds: A research of the Eumodnext EU group project
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Nena Dokuzov
Title: How to combat risk of fraud and irregularities in EU funding using advanced technologies
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video
Study Visits
- 1st study visit - Sinergies of education and AFCOS against FRAUD - 5 July 2024 - Athens
Petros Kalantonis, Prof., Vice Rector, Research, Innovation and Life Long Learning, University of West Attica, Greece
Vanni Resta, Euro Designer
Mario Calabrese, Director of Impresapiens research Centre, Sapienza University of Rome
Title: Institutional greetings
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Petros Kalantonis
Title: Risk Management in Public Sector
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Maria Felice Arezzo
Title: A first view on a data driven approach to tackle frauds: Italy as a case study
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Sofia Asanitou
Title: Educating tomorrow's citizens (and scientists) for a fraud-free European society
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Fotios Spyropoulos
Title: Integrity Counsel and Mediation: boundaries and challenges
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Aggelia Xanthopoulou
Title: Internal Audit in Greek Universities
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Dimitrios Charamis
Title: Future Perspectives in Internal Audit
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Vanni Resta
Title: Peculiarities of the 2024 call for proposal of the EU Anti-fraud Programme (EUAF): an
analysis of the call fiche
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Mariana Sokol
Title: Educational Challenges in a Transforming World against Fraud Activities
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Diana Ithier
Title: Legal & Quality Assurance processes against fraudulent activities: The case of University of Seychelles
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Emmanuella Simeon
Title: Legal & Quality Assurance processes against fraudulent activities: The case of University of Seychelles
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Konstantinos Pavlikianis
Title: Greek AFCOS involvement in protecting EU budget and its crucial role in the Greek public administration
Download: Abstract - Slides - VideoSpeaker: Athanasios Sakellariou
Title: Contributing in the protection of EU budget and Greek AFCOS role in the Greek public administration
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video- Speaker: Cruciano Cruciani
Title: The implementation of the Commission’s Recommendations on the protection of the EU budget
Download: Abstract - Slides - Video