Fraud Repression through EDucation2 (2022-IT-FRED2)
The mission
The mission of FRED2 is to initiate intensive cooperation between the academic world (Italian and European universities) and the Anti-Fraud Coordination Services (AFCOS) of the EU countries (including Italy) to set up a permanent study table on the subject of European Funds, aimed at:
- Identifying new and more efficient mechanisms to protect the EU's financial interests;
- Sharing best experiences and good practices in preventing and combating irregularities, fraud and other illegal activities detrimental to the European budget.

The Project
Specifically, the project aims to:
Undertake an experiential co-lab-learning course (with the participation of academics, law enforcement, AFCOS and practitioners) oriented towards the development of innovative approaches that, thanks to more effective know-how, can improve the identification of new fraud risks and the comparison of control strategies in the area of public budget support, both national and European, with a special focus on the new challenges posed by the context of the new multiannual financial framework and the new instruments adopted such as the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF);
Set up a special task force, composed of academics and professionals, with the aim of producing a 'pilot study' to analyze risk profiles that could lead to possible illegal behaviour or situations of misuse of European funds;
To set up a 'European Anti-Fraud Observatory', in a perspective of transnational and multidisciplinary cooperation with a medium- to long-term impact, which will be able to give sustainability to the development of a new network (networking) of useful contacts and targeted relations to improve the knowledge of the phenomenon of fraud and other illegal activities affecting the EU's financial interests.
The project will have two phases:
- 5 workshops
- 3 study visits around Europe
At the end a final conference will be held in Bruxelles.