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Fraud Repression through EDucation2 (2022-IT-FRED2)





Sapienza University of Rome 

  • Mario Calabrese - director of Impresapiens Research Centre 

  • Maria Felice Arezzo - project coordinator, professor of Economic Statistics

  • Vanni Resta - Eurodesigner, MEP and MEPA lecturer, Lecturer in Social Design at the Coris Department Sapienza University of Rome, President of the Manlio Resta Foundation

  • Francesca Iandoloprofessor of Management

  • Francesco Bellini - professor of Digital Transformation and Data Management


  • Stefano Screpanti - Commander of the Guardia di Finanza Unit for the repression of fraud against the European Union, Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department for European Policies

  • Cruciano Cruciani - Colonel of Guardia di Finanza, Coordinator of the Technical Secretariat of the Italian Anti-Fraud Coordination Service

  • Vincenzo Branchi - Lieutenant of the Guardia di Finanza, Officer at the Technical Secretariat of the Italian Anti-Fraud Coordination Service

Task force

The task force is a mixed group of academics and anti-fraud practitioners that aims to exchange expertise to improve EU budget protection activities.
The composition of the task force, as shown in Figure 1, is roughly evenly divided between academics and professionals.


Figure 1 – Composition of the task force by institution type (July 2024)

The academic working group consists mainly of statisticians and data scientists as shown in Figure 2. The other core areas of expertise are in business management and economics.

Figure 2 – Composition of the University components of the task force by members’ skills (July 2024)